) and also known as Ninja Warriors: The New Generation, is a 1994 beat 'em up video game developed by Natsume and published by Taito Corporation for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The game is a remake of Taito's 1987 arcade game The Ninja Warriors. Ninja Warrior Obstacle Course for Kids - Ninja Slackline 50' with 10 Accessories for Kids, Includes Swing, Obstacle Net Plus Grip Tape - Have Fun, Keep Fit and Become a Ninja Warrior - Ninja Line 4.9 out of 5 stars 17.
There are 86 mobile games related to Ninja warrior games, such as School Boy Warrior and Sky Warrior 2 Invasion that you can play on yiv.com for free.86 mobile games related to Ninja warrior games, such as School Boy Warrior and Sky Warrior 2 Invasion that you can play on yiv.com for free.
Joinable Netplay Multiplayer Sessions for The Ninja Warriors (World)
1. 67,900
TimeTrial: 00:00:00
09-09-17 01:05 AM
2. 57,400
TimeTrial: 00:09:35
07-23-16 03:03 PM
3. 14,100
TimeTrial: 00:01:41
07-16-16 11:59 PM
1st try
The Ninja Warriors (World) Guides and Walkthroughs
American Ninja Warrior Game Online
what the bloody hell....TILT????? this is an arcade game.... not a pinball
benny_d_420 08-27-13 - 01:48 AM
1st level is awsome because of the tune