Bni Education Slot Inviting Visitors

  1. Bni Education Slot On Visitors
  2. Bni Visitors Day
  3. Bni Visitor Day Education Moment
  4. Bni Education Slot Visitors

– So you have an opportunity that just won’t say yes to the product or service that you want to sell them. Invite them to the BNI group. Once there, you have the advantage of 20-30 people telling your visitor how great you are. You think that will help make the sale. On top of that you might have introduced the visitor to his next sell too. Are they in BNI or would you be happy to invite them along Remember its not about finding new members its about inviting visitors Remember to use your Member Mentor Programme Booklet, found in your membership pack - Pages 4 &5 to help you record and track your visitors.

Imagine regularly meeting a group of 30 ~ 50 self-driven entrepreneurs and professionals from an array of industries and specialisations to exchange referrals & business. That's the Business Network International (BNI). I was part of BNI Signature Chapter from mid 2014 to February 2016. Besides being a core/founding member, I was also the Chapter's Network Education Coordinator.

My role as the Network Education Coordinator is 'to educate your fellow chapter members into how to maximise their membership and develop their networking skills.' In each regular meeting, at Item No. 4, is the Networking Education Slot where the Network Education Coordinator, a Director, an Ambassador or another member would share - for 3 to 5 minutes - about the various aspects of business networking.

Bni Education Slot On Visitors

Here are the 5 things I learnt during my almost term as the Chapter Network Education Coordinator:

  1. Come prepared: Preparation goes beyond knowing what you are sharing. As Network Education Coordinator, I had the implied trust to teach. Understanding the demographics, you have both seasoned and new entrepreneurs and professionals in the room. Some know the philosophy, others usually don't. Preparing also means bringing down the language from BNI-speak to layperson's terms. Preparation also includes preparing the other member assisting you delivering the slot.
  2. Respect the Time: BNI Chapter meetings run like clockwork. Within 90 minutes, the meeting must conclude all 20-points in the agenda. A delay or hiccup would result in unnecessary delay. Since we meet early in the morning: 7.15am for my former chapter, we aim to complete by 8.30am to allow these men and women to go about their business day. Some may have court appearances at 9.00am. Others may be meeting prospects. At the same time, it should not be too short that members and visitors present do not take away anything. That, too, is insulting.
  3. Fit to the Chapter Goals: The Network Education Coordinator is part of the Chapter Support Team. The Chapter Support Team assists the Leadership Team, i.e. the President, Membership Coordinator, and Secretary/Treasurer. When you think about it, there are over 50 opportunities to share about networking. Chapters, like corporations, have unique goals and aspirations. The theme of the networking education slots need to ensure everyone, especially the members, know their role and the possibilities. In that 3-5 minutes, the Network Education Coordinator may also use it to deliver a pep talk to boost morale. If the Chapter's goal is to become a 50-member Chapter, possible angles are how to invite visitors, the ways and means to invite visitors, and how to engage visitors during meetings.
  4. Not Everyone will Listen: Having the floor does not mean everyone will pay attention. However do not forsake those who are. There will be eager ears whose eyes follow you and hands jolt down notes. This is a challenge every Network Education Coordinator will face. The danger comes when the Network Education Coordinator wants to become the chapter clown. Humour is important. The message is crucial. The takeaway is paramount. You cannot force everyone to listen; but connect with those who are.
  5. It is about Us: The Network Education Coordinator needs to remember that what he or she does is for both chapter members and visitors. It is showtime, but not your time. What ever a Network Education Coordinator says leaves an impact on the chapter as a whole and the BNI brand. Whether part of the support team, the leadership team, or the chapter, we are in this together to transact business to one another and with the visitors. We have different polarities and approaches from education, background, beliefs, values, and experiences. The chapter only succeeds when everyone works in harmony with one another. That also means that the Network Education Coordinator humbles him or herself to understand what the different members want to know and improve on.

Bni Visitors Day

Bni education slot on visitors

A little background on BNI:

BNI is the world's largest business and professional networking organisation that allows one representative from each profession to join. The sole purpose of the group is to give its members more business. It is based on the concept of 'what goes around comes around'. If you give business to me, I'll give business to you.


Bni Visitor Day Education Moment

Bni Education Slot Inviting Visitors

Bni Education Slot Visitors

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